Light Path Enterprises
creativity, soul energy, community sharing to open pathways of peace, healing, and joy
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The Light Path Enterprise Archive has been moved to
For a $5 subscription fee to support the archive, you will have unlimited access to classes’ and meditations’ audio mp3 files and pdf files, and Light Beings channeled lessons on the joy of Light Consciousness.
With this new service, each week, some of the archive will be uploaded until it is complete. During creating the site, I will be offering new lessons and talks.
Thank you for your patience with the change of site ~ Mariah

Introduction to the work
The Light Beings
First Channel Lecture – The Choice
10 minutes
For a pdf copy of this talk click here
The Sacred Self by Mariah Martin

Meet Mariah Martin, MA, MS
Mariah has worked in the fields of consciousness evolution, education, and spirituality for over 50 years. Her passion is using creativity, soul energy, and community sharing to open pathways of peace, healing, and joy. She has taught at several colleges and consulted with organizations on utilizing the creative power of conscious actions, thoughts, and relationships. Over the years, Mariah has traveled extensively – channeling, teaching, and lecturing on the benefits and ways to integrate intuition with personality and spiritual development. As part of living consciously and joyfully Mariah writes adult novels with a soul theme.
The Light Beings have been instrumental in fostering spiritual evolution of humanity. For almost 20 years, a group in the Boston area committed to activating light consciousness welcomed sharing wisdom with the Light Beings. This book presents 9 of those sessions of channeling about relevant core aspects of consciousness pertinent to living peacefully in these times.

In THE LIGHT, Emma takes on a new challenge. Her visions reveal her mother’s secret past. Though shocked by the truth, can Emma believe messages that are sent to her from the light realm in order to save her mother’s life? Inspired by the energy of the visions that come to her in a beam of light, Emma goes on a search to uncover the tragedy hidden in her mother’s past.
The search involves family betrayals, racial tensions, adoption traumas, hidden crime, spiritual rituals, out-of-body experiences, and new love.
Will the torn threads of her heart’s connections be rewoven? Will she be able to mend the rip in her family’s tapestry in time to save her mother?
Client Experiences
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~ Life Path Enterprises ~